Oh, hello there! Long time, no see, my friend.
Even though I walk by you everyday on the way out the door.
I haven't forgot about you. No really, I haven't. You've been shoved in the corner and seemingly forgotten. But I'm here to tell you it isn't so. In fact, I went to the fabric store the other day to check on your would-be new, snazzy attire aaaannndd...
Bad news. It's gone.
Gone. No more. Defunct. Won't be ordered without a forty yard purchase (crazy!).
I've searched high and low online and alas, it's no where to be found.
There's one more fabric store to check. But at the same time, it may be fun just to pick out something new. You know?
We won't be going to the fabric store again until we have the money to purchase fabric.
Pick out and purchase in the same day. That's the way to do it.
You're going to be an expensive one, by the way.
So don't fret. I haven't forgotten about you.
We'll fix you up one day soon.
Even though this little monster doesn't seem to mind you in your current musty, shabby shape.
(She has deemed it her daytime nap spot. And by 'daytime nap' I mean sleeping all day long)
Put your mind (stuffing?) at ease, sofa. We'll make Milton and Geraldine proud.
Liza Jane
(and J, too, because he has to help)