Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Days

We are digging ourselves out of the snow and ice here in SC.   It snowed for two days straight, which is unheard of around these parts.  What's up with all the snow this year?  Not that I'm complaining.  Four snow days this week.  It's been an awesome unplanned winter break.  I'm trying to ignore the fact that we'll have to make up these days in the spring when the weather is beautiful.

I thought I'd turn my 'snowcation' into a 'sewcation.'  But I didn't.  I wasn't motivated to sew.  I stayed inside where it was warm (my sewing room is in an attached sun room not connected to the central heating system), managed to eat almost everything we bought during the pre-storm frenzy and took lots of naps.  Oh, and played with this little rug rat plenty, too.  She's crawling now, by the way.  She is in to everything.  Ten months old today.

Anyway, I had to share some snow twin pics.  We had a blast playing in the snow but now I'm ready for spring.  Snow, you were fun but now begone!  Stay warm my northern hemisphere friends.


  1. So cute!!! I know this is special for you since snow is so rare there!

    1. It was special! We had to get some pictures of baby in the snow since it will probably be a few years before we see it again!

  2. Those pics are too stinkin' cute! Love how the snowbaby has a paci. ;-) Glad you enjoyed the snow, but I know what you mean when you say you're ready for it to be gone. We got a foot, and it's taking it's sweet time going away. Hopefully, it'll be gone by Sunday.

  3. Your daughter is a poppet! I love those days when you get an un expected break, too. Not that we've had any this year - we haven't had any snow in th UK this winter, but we have had a lot of rain. It's caused a great deal of disruption in some parts of the country, fortunately for me the worst we have been affected is trying to cope with the amount of mud coming in, daily floor mopping etc. I'm ready for Spring, too!

  4. What a cute baby in the snow! We have enjoyed our winter break too--here's hoping the state will forgive the days! :-)

  5. these pics are too cute! my kids have already had five snow days, so they'll be in school until the end of June... i'm with you on being ready for spring, however i know it'll be a while for us!

  6. Whoa, that little baby suddenly got big! She's so, so cute :)

    1. She has! I keep telling her she needs to stop getting bigger but she won't listen ;)

  7. Gahhhhhhh! She is SO CUTE!!!!! What a sweetheart! :)

  8. You are so crafty! Love the tiny snow baby next to your baby!

  9. She´s so sweet!! We had barely any snow around here, very mild winter... which is ok for me :)

  10. She has changed so much. She's gone from being an exact duplicate of her daddy to really looking like her own person. It's so much fun to watch her change and grow!

  11. What a sweetie. She's so cute all bundled up in the snow.

  12. Goodness, she looks precious! Hope you all are keeping warm!

  13. So cute!! Hard to believe it was that cold last week and now it's so much warmer!

  14. Ha, my sewing room is also in an attached sun room not connected to the central heat (or air). I have a heater in there, which makes it bearable.

    I'm glad you were able to enjoy your rare snow while it lasted!

  15. Gosh, this is the extreme opposite of my life right now. We're right in the middle of the monsoon season. My life is all about hot, steamy weather, torrential rain and out-of-control mosquitos. Could you throw a snowball or two my way? Pleeeeeease!

  16. Just catching up. I love these shots! What a sweetheart. We got a ton of snow too about a month ago and I took some cute pictures of my little one out in it. What fun! Also, I'm impressed she fits in her bumbo with all the snow clothes. My LO hasn't fit in hers for months!
