It's back to school time for me. Even after teaching for several years, I still feel that rush of excitement for a new year along with some anxiety, too. You get to start out fresh- it's almost like having a clean slate every year. But I also like to look back on the last year for reference.
So, while reflecting on the last twelve months of my life I realized just how crazy the past year was for me. The most obvious craziness was planning a wedding and getting married in the middle of the school year. I also went from being full time art teacher to being split between two schools; four days at my home school and one day at another school. Then came house hunting, purchasing a home and trying to fix up the new house (still working on that) and old house at the same time, and then trying to rent the old one. There were all sorts of big occasions and projects going on all while trying to keep up with work and keeping a smile on my face! I did it, though. And I think I know why.
I also began sewing last summer. Even though I had very little time to relax amidst all the craziness, I managed to spend lots of time learning to sew- and loving every minute of it. I even sewed clutches for all of my bridesmaids right before the wedding. Not sure how I found the time to do it, but I did. And I think that's because sewing is really an outlet for me. It's time spent just doing something I enjoy-- and just for the simple fact of enjoying it, nothing else. Time well spent! I think sewing is what kept me sane last year.
Anyway, as I start this new school year my goal is to keep sewing-- to make it a priority and keep up with my pledge to make it myself. I feel the same way about painting, which I've done very little of the past few years, so I also want to make art a priority. I guess it's all part of that desire to create. I started thinking about all of this last week at an arts integration workshop where I did the painting pictured. It's just a quick blind contour drawing of a hydrangea blossom painted with watercolor. It sort of started this whole reflection on sewing and making art because it made me realize just how much I enjoy doing both of these things. After all, how can you be a good art teacher if you're not an artist, too?
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