Happy National Arts in Education Week!
This from Arts Education Partnership:
I especially like term "core academic subject," which art class absolutely, positively is. Art is a necessity, not a frill. This quote from Elliot Eisner is one of my favorites:
The arts also teach that neither words nor numbers define the limits of our cognition; we know more than we can tell. There are many experiences and a multitude of occasions in which we need art forms to say what we cannot say. . . . Reflect on 9-11. . . The arts can provide forms of communication that convey to others what is ineffable.
-Elliot W. Eisner, Stanford University, Essay from The Los Angeles Times. ARTS: 7
What can you do during National Arts in Education Week? Check out the Arts Education Partnership's website and see. This is my favorite:

On July 26, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution designating the second week of September as “Arts in Education Week.” The resolution (H.Con.Res. 275) was proposed and introduced by Rep. Jackie Speier from California.
The resolution states: [...] Arts education, comprising a rich array of disciplines including dance, music, theatre, media arts, literature, design, and visual arts, is a core academic subject and an essential element of a complete and balanced education for all students.
I especially like term "core academic subject," which art class absolutely, positively is. Art is a necessity, not a frill. This quote from Elliot Eisner is one of my favorites:
The arts also teach that neither words nor numbers define the limits of our cognition; we know more than we can tell. There are many experiences and a multitude of occasions in which we need art forms to say what we cannot say. . . . Reflect on 9-11. . . The arts can provide forms of communication that convey to others what is ineffable.
-Elliot W. Eisner, Stanford University, Essay from The Los Angeles Times. ARTS: 7
What can you do during National Arts in Education Week? Check out the Arts Education Partnership's website and see. This is my favorite:
INTERACT directly with Arts Education.
- Take an arts educator out to lunch or coffee and thank them for their hard work
- See a student performance or exhibition
- Take a kid to a museum
- Take an art, dance, theater, or music class in your community

I agree!